Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh, Good Grief...!

[Okay, I keep coming back to this with a little bit more information each time. It turns out that the group, Concerned Christians, are focused solely on breaking down the LDS belief system in an overt attempt to 1)Convince practicing Mormons that their history and beliefs are based on a series of well orchestrated or well concealed lies; and 2)Prevent any honest truth seeker from even investigating the LDS religion. It appears the group has little to offer the spoiled masses as an alternative as this group doesn't seem to profess any established doctrine other than to state their ecumenical preference for Jesus. I guess this is a pretty safe thing to do, since where there is no doctrine no one can refute it honestly or dishonestly. Nice. I'm reminded of the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. Hmmm...? Whatever happened to that guy anyway?]

[The groups founder, Jim Robertson, a former member of the LDS church, was responsible for the movie "The God Makers" way back when, which I seem to recall won an Oscar for Best Documentary that year.

Anyway, the latest attempt to sour or confuse all that is good with LDS beliefs is this DVD going around called "Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith". This presentation, as I've been reading, compares and contrasts particular statements made by the two men. Several other Christian watchdog groups have condemned the presentation as inappropriate, or worse, not at all helpful to a healthy dialog and atmosphere of Christian cooperation.]

[Thanks Jimbo, for once again proving the statement that those who leave the church can't leave it alone. You'd better make sure you conduct yourself correctly, and that your own history isn't a big, fat lie.]

Mercy already...

... I've grown weary of repeating the same pieces of doctrine over and over. Yes, I am saved, and so are you my Concerned Christian friend, that is, saved only at this point from physical death.

That's right, you and me, my fellow Christians, concerned or otherwise, and the atheist, Buddhists, and Muslims too, will not be held accountable to God for Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. That sin brought death into this world, and Jesus Christ came to this Earth, took upon himself a body just like your's and mine only to lay it down willingly in order for him to take up life again in an immortal, physical body. He alone has the power to do this; and, by so doing has offered this gift of eternal life freely to all people of all times. This is what is called resurrection.

Say it with me ... r e s u r r e c t i o n.

Very good!

See, you can be saved in this life from physical death, and that's about all you're promised in this life, unless you are very, very righteous. But you know, that's what's so great about coming here. We have assurances from God that we will only be judged for our own sins and transgressions not for someone else's.

So don't sweat trying to save me, you should probably worry about saving yourself first from what's called, spiritual death. Spiritual death is of course the separation from God we all experience when we are born to this Earth, and it is sin that keeps us separated. Only Jesus Christ has the power to save you from spiritual death. And, unfortunately, for most of us we won't be "saved" in this life. And if you really are "saved" what are you still doing here anyway?

So, as you can see, you have no more truth to offer me than what I already possess, and if there is more truth for me, I know Jesus Christ has a mechanism to disseminate that truth. As he did in days of old, and in the Meridian of Time, he will only reveal his truth through his prophets and apostles who He has called to lead and guide His church, and that church is the one you have chosen to kick against with your "Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith" DVD.

Now, get out there and stop being so dishonest with yourselves, thinking God will bring you into His house at the last day with that attitude toward His doctrines and the Saints. And yes, Jesus can help you with that sin too, but only if you listen carefully enough, understand his teachings enough and repent just enough, because day by day we are all sinners, aren't we?

I challenge you, my Concerned Christian friend, to find out directly, rather than indirectly what I believe. You might be surprised to find that the founders of your faith have unwittingly left out important pieces of Jesus Christ's gospel that you might want to know about before your final judgment.


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